Product CatalogueStormwater SuppliesValves, BoxesSolenoid ActuatorActuator Bermad 24V AC Back Actuator Bermad 24V AC Product ID: VVACB24 Brand: 2025-01-23 From: $34.19 AUD View or buy the Solenoid Actuator Valves, Boxes - Actuator Bermad 24V AC from to discover other options and shipping details. Description Back to Valves, Boxes - Solenoid Actuator More Solenoid Actuator and others in our range Actuator Bermad 3 Way NO 24VAC Actuator Hunter Compatible 24 V AC Valve Actuator Toro 6 - 14V DC (Irritrol) Actuator Richdel - Irritrol Compatible 24V AC Actuator Bermad 24V AC Actuator Bermad 24V DC Actuator Hunter Compatible 12V DC JAMES SQUIRE DBL GINGER BEER 6% CANS Creatures of Leisure Surf Cap Black Trailboss Towbar for Mazda 3 Sedan (not SP or MPS) - 900/75 KGS Towing Capacity- Vehicles built 4/09-2/14